Definition of forgiveness
Christianity bases most of its foundation on the doctrine of Forgiveness, the Power of Forgiveness, especially in the New Testament that changed the understanding of Forgiveness, a task started by Jesus Christ Ministry.
Forgiveness has a wide range of definitions, but what outstands most is the Christian understanding of Forgiveness into them and the entire world according to the will.
To forgive is to grant pardon or cancel bitterness or inability of a person for an offense committed by a person or debt or even delaying to peace an obligation assigned to someone (Arterburn, pg. 18).
On the other hand, the Biblical definition of Forgiveness means God’s plan of letting go of the punishment meted on humans for committing sins by Grace and the Person of Jesus Christ.
In Christian understanding, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ granted Forgiveness to e human nature, which separated them from God’s will and blessings.
Forgiveness in Christianity
The Christian understanding of the Power of Forgiveness basses within the various foundations that aid the specific topic including, the general view of Christian teachings about Forgiveness, God’s plan for salvation, also understood as Divine Forgiveness.
The approaches Christians and the human race apply to realize. Forgiveness is biblically guided (Arterburn, pg. 20).
Forgiveness in Christianity also touches much on the Benefits of Forgiveness to the Christian faith, the obstacles realized in living a forgiving life, and the human limits towards forgiving, basically known as what forgives do not mean.
Christian Teachings about Forgiveness
Christian faith has developed various models and teachings about the vast topic of Forgiveness within the Christian faith that aids the great understanding of what it is indeed.
Their primary focus has been the supreme grounds of Forgiveness, the firm foundation forgiveness has, and the cost of living unforgiving lives in Christianity.
There is the supreme power for Forgiveness
Christian teachings acknowledge a supreme and divine power that forms the foundation of Forgiveness, and according to the Christian faith, the foundation is God.
Therefore, they believe and teach that Forgiveness is a gracious act of God that originates from the covenant between God and the human race through his grace and the mediation of His one son Jesus Christ.
He shed his blood to wash away the sins of the human race on crossing this understanding.
Therefore, Forgiveness was begun by God, and still, God wishes that Human beings extend the same between them in their earthly lives.
Christians note that Forgiveness from God is guaranteed to all humans who will repent sins, Believe and draw near to Christ, the son of God, by a porch and preach the divine word of God that guides theirs to eternity.
There is a Princely price for Forgiveness
The Christian doctrine acknowledges a Kingly price paid for Christians to access the needed Forgiveness for the human race; otherwise, the human race would have become extinct on earth because of their sins.
Christians note that the mission Jesus had on this earth was to entirely offer Forgiveness to humans from God by the price of His blood.
Jesus died for the washing away of the sins of man that formed the doctrine of the redemption of man race since the fall of man in the old testament when Adam and Eve were chased away in the holy garden of Eden for eating from the tree of truth and knowledge.
Therefore Forgiveness came after Jesus paid the price by shedding His blood on the cross.
Firm Foundation for all Forgiveness
Biblical teachings in Christianity point out firm foundations for Forgiveness notediIn the covenants made by God to human beings.
The above is well understood in studying these foundations in bottle New and old testament and their aspects of Forgiveness.
In the old testament, God made covenants with Key people as they aimed to become the pillars to save the human race and sinful nature humans had in early ancient testament times from the beginning when Adam went against God.
God, therefore, made covenants with Abraham and Moses as keynote people so that He would provide the Israelites what they could not provide for themselves.
These covenants ended in a decision for the sacrificial animals’ sacrifice (blood) for the sins of humans in the Old Testament times.
Moses, therefore, sprinkled the blood of the sacrificial animals upon people for the removal of their sins, and God would then forgive them.
They would continue to live on the earth and receive his blessings in abundance.
God promised a unique testament to the human race to forgive their sins and never remember them anymore in the new testament times.
This is the work of Jesus Christ, where Jesus is the lamb of the new covenant becoming the mediator between the human race and God through His blood so that human beings could get life everlasting again.
In both accounts, God is expected to provide atonement for our sins and make humans live righteous through Jesus Christ, therefore, becoming a firm foundation for Forgiveness.
Forgiveness Necessary and unforgiveness has an immeasurable cost
Christian teachings discourage living a life that does not forgive others, and since God first forgave us through his son Jesus Christ, we were made accessible through the cross.
The teachings encourage Forgiveness for a spiritually balanced and living in a hopeful life system For ourselves and others.
Christian belief, the soul lives in our bodies, and unforgiveness forms a hazard to the soul that lives in the body, and therefore if allowed in the soul, it, in turn, poisons the soul.
Thus, for healthy living, the soul needs Forgiveness so that the body lives a healthy life and living.
Christian living, therefore, asserts that Forgiveness is necessary since our human nature is sinful and thus requires us to live a life that forgives others as well.
Christa’s teachings assert that humans need Forgiveness and live by Forgiveness from God since we are sinners, and therefore we should practice Forgiveness in daily life provisions.
In John, the author confirms this by saying,’ If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful, forgives our sins, and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.
If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and his word is not in us’ John 1:8-10.
From the author’s viewpoint, it is noted that we are indeed sinners, and Forgiveness is, therefore, essential for us.
Additionally, Forgiveness was given by God Humans, and therefore we should also give it out for it the second fundamental Gospel truth about Forgiveness.
God’s Plan for Forgiveness and Approaches towards human Forgiveness
Forgiveness in Christianity is anchored in the roots of God’s plan for Forgiveness of the Human race and that He intends for the humans In their earthly lives and afterlife.
God’s Forgiveness to the human race examines much about God’s relationship with Human beings, which also involves the Forgiveness of others and humans well living in the afterlife or eternity and God‘s involvement in the forgiveness process.
God’s Forgiveness in Christianity derives its foundations in human repentance and seeking Forgiveness from their supreme God in heaven.
God’s plan for the salvation of humankind confirms most of his will that humans will experience Forgiveness in their lifetime.
The new covenant in the New Testament forms the basis of God’s Forgiveness to the human race, mainly through the shedding of blood on the cross by Jesus Christ, the savior of humankind.
Christians, therefore, believe that they experience God’s Forgiveness in their entire life on earth in preparation for the eternal life promised by God forever.
Christians believe Jesus delivered Forgiveness from God the Father, and through Him only can humans receive Forgiveness.
In one of the new testament Biblical stories, it is confirmed that Jesus brought this good message so that Humans could be relieved of their burdens.
Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat. Jesus to receive healing in His name in the story.
Based on their faith, Jesus ordered the man to walk as His sins were truly forgiven.
However, the Pharisees had reservations for him, claiming that Jesus’ healing of the paralyzed man was an act of Blasphemy.
Still, He replied to them by telling them that The Messiah had authority on earth to forgive sins proven by healing the paralyzed man.
The story confirms to the Christians that Jesus carried God’s plan for the salvation of the human race and that God was indeed willing to rave the humans and still allow them to live in His happiness.
After understanding that God is the bearer of Forgiveness for the entire human race and is the custodian of this Forgiveness, Christians get to a stretch to build a model for Forgiveness.
They practice Forgiveness through various approaches agreed upon by Biblical guidance and essential steps towards forgiving others in the human life cycle. Human beings can use the following procedures and measures to unite Forgiveness to pursue a godly guided life.
Contrition is a taste and feeling remorseful of a wrongly committed act within a person’s life that goes against others and also against God’s laid down guidance about life.
Acts of contrition are the stepping stone towards getting forgiven. One’s committed crime and sins.
Therefore, the acts of contrition include first, being aware of and reflecting upon one’s wrongdoing or wrong committed by the specific Person in question for this matter.
In Christianity, this step is guided by the doctrines within Biblical teachings believed to be God’s own words and requirements for human living or the life of humans.
If one goes against the Biblical teachings, they are regarded to have sinned and realized Forgiveness from God.
They have to acknowledge that they sinned.
Secondly, in repentance, it is essential for the person who has sinned according to the Christian teachings to admit that they sinned men and before God explicitly.
And they have to show remorse or regret for having committed the said sin or offense against a person that becomes a sin before God.
After that, the human being or Christian should consider making an intrinsic conviction that they will not repeat the offense; however, this resolution must be entirely meant, followed, and accomplished that they do not commit the same sin again.
Lastly, the Person should restore their earlier righteous state and keep up with the requirements of genuine Christion living the Godly state of human living on earth.
The acts of contrition, especially where two parties have offended each toe, ensure that the offended Person is acknowledged. (Meyer pg 13)
Their hearts do not hold onto the earlier offense committed by the other party in question.
The transgressor and the victim also get the time and a procedure to express their feelings towards the acts committed and the way forward in the next move they are supposed to handle to have a different starting point for a new life together.
Acts of contrition also give the victim in a matter of offense an assurance that the offense will not be repeated in the future of their lifetime.
On the part of the offender, they grow a chain of knowledge that doing the same thing again is weirdly worth a price to pay, and therefore, by paying this price through the acts of contrition, they later notice that it is wrong to do the same thing again.
Forgiving unconditionally
The forgiving unconditionally approach suggests the Christian Model of forgiving one another.
The Model is based on the belief that people should forgive each other as God forgives us without any condition and should not demand any compensation of whatsoever kind nor even compel the oppressor to promise not to repeat the same offense to them.
The approach is a central tenet of Christian faith and belief systems.
The Model allows the victims to let go of the hurt and the resentment associated with a transgression arising from the offense they met.
The act positively impacts the human body since it relieves discomfort and pain and relieves psychological distress (Meyer pg 22).
The Christian Model of unconditional Forgiveness has the great tendency of avoiding the problems that always arise when someone seeks revenge for a problem, and that is the purpose of God.
The Christian Model also prepares the victims to acquire the blessings and Forgiveness from God when they forgive since he commands that we forgive each other unconditionally since He will also forgive us.
The forgiveness process through the Christian approach does not just hope but follows various steps within a person to meet complete Forgiveness for the other party in question.
1: Making a quality Decision
After making a prayer for Forgiveness to the other party, one is expected to go an extra mile to make it a painful decision to forgive indeed (Meyer pg 22).
It should be from the heart. Christian believe that the process of Forgiveness is always painful, and deciding to forgive someone who has offended is a painful experience, nonetheless. Christians should make the above decisions despite the hard decision to make in faith.
2. Depending on God
God gives Christians the strength to forgive. When a Christian lives a prayerful mindset and attitude.
In the holy book, there is provision for a prayer to shun from the unnecessary anger that blocks the process of forgiving each other ” Lord help me not to be offended today, Keep from excessive anger, If Aim mad at someone, show me who it is.
Could you give me the grace to forgive them?
Christians have taught and based their guide on the doctrine of God as their dependent when deciding to ignore one another and still in genuine and great peace (Meyer pg. 19).
God’s grace allows grace to notice that there is the ability and free heart in God to forgive one another.
Therefore, the next step towards Forgiveness is making it a payer affair so that God gives out the grace to you to have compassion for the offender and forgive them.
3. Understanding one’s Emotions
Emotions provoke psychological changes that give a desire to do something.
For example, when someone wrongs another, they may feel like telling the other party off or even stay away from your offenders; however, such a choice shouldn’t be healthy for the well-being of the heart and soul of a particular person.
A person’s will gives a Christian the ability to live beyond their specific feelings or when the emotions will be subsided, and they will have to agree with the decisions to forgive you made.
4 Praying for your enemies
Jesus commands Christians to love the people they perceive as their enemies and pray for those who persecute them. The guidance and decision to pray for the enemies is the hardest.
Still, with an agreement with God and the action behind the recommendation, it becomes easy and possible to forgive and pray for the enemies.
Despite this easy and direct way of taking up steps towards the Forgiveness of others, there exist obstacles that hinder human beings from applying and partaking in the Christian requirement and Biblical guidance to achieve Forgiveness for others which also draws Christians closer to God.
In their human nature and being Christians meet obstacles that hinder them from forgiving others despite being guided to do so unconditionally as God did so to them unconditionally and assured them of eternal life forever through salvation (Meyer pg. 8).
Christians majorly meet fear and Misconceptions as the major obstacles to the Forgiveness they are expected to offer others in their daily relationships.
Obstacles to Forgiveness
Human beings have fear when trying to forgive others.
The fear comes about due to human nature and the feeling of consistently winning; therefore, they develop a sense of having lost an earlier thought battle when they ignore it.
Christians fear losing the energy that anger produces in most cases when human beings are offended.
They dip themselves in situations of anger that make a lot of power in the form of rage.
Therefore, they fear losing this energy because they feel that losing the anger will dip them into despair and purposelessness.
After all, the earlier on offense had too much power, rage, and purpose.
Humans also fear losing power over the other party that hurt them in the first case.
This mostly happens to those who have a problem letting go of their pain when they were first offended by the other party.
Sometimes they assume that if they forgive their offenders, they are likely to be hurt again by the same party.
At the same time, they keep living, however in the Biblical teachings, Forgiveness does not guarantee a change in the other party that offended us, but it’s an act of obedience to God.
It is a way of doing away with the grudges and resentments that damaged a Christian; however, this will not stop people from their earlier behaviors because it just remains God’s task to judge.
Sometimes Christians go through hard times and battle the intrinsic fear of losing superiority when they forgive another party that may have offended them badly.
In human terms, the offended person is always in a white cap as blameless.
The offender is put in the wrong guy bracket, suggesting that they are better than the other party, making them feel good.
Sometimes, they feel like they are better remaining in this position.
However, in Christian teachings, it is against God’s laws to play His role in peep’s lives and therefore imperative and essential to let the pride off and let God play His role.
Lastly, people develop a fear of the future relationships they are about or what they will be making in their lifetime procedures.
This is due to having very high expectations about friends and family and themselves that they do not expect to be hurt by any of those patties whatsoever.
Sometimes repeated foolish decisions and choices result in the much-feared hurt that may look like the earlier hurt they received from either of the members.
Sometimes they hold onto this, fearing that they can end up making similar choices that could land them in trouble and thus hard to forgive.
However, in the Christian teachings, it is vital that the Christians let the future in God’s hands and keep making love and friendship as they forgive each other as human nature is full of flaws and weapons forced against them are bound to fail.
Misconceptions about Forgiveness
There are numerous misconceptions about Forgiveness’s action, and society has braced it otherwise than it is in Biblically explained.
The unfortunate fact is that the misconceptions around Forgiveness lead to a significant barrier since humans believe much what they meet every day than what is expected of them spiritually.
One big Misconception about forgiving is that Forgiveness is condoning the behavior.
Most people believe that forgiving condones behavior or hurt unto a particular person; however, Biblically, it is good to understand that forgiving does not compromise our moral standards.
We are commanded and in a position to forgive even the word thought sins in our society’s cycle systems.
It believes that the consequences of what another party did to a Christian belong to God, and there is no need to bother much.
This also involves transferring the burdens and debt from ourselves to Goodling, all recompense in his hands.
The second Misconception around the art of forgiving is that we humans cannot forget about the bad or wrong actions done by other parties.
The feeling we always have is that we are innocent and did not deserve such, and therefore it would be foolish to erase the hurt and the Person that transferred the hurt unto us.
The phrase is supported by a famous phrase that we should learn from experience always.
Therefore we are supposed to be careful in our next steps of association and friendship.
However, Biblical requirements guide us to forgive the terrible memories, and the hurt feelings will gradually diminish by the Grace of God.
Adding on that, another considerable misconception about forgiving that runs in the societal setup are that forgiving is not agreeing to reconcile with the Person who probably did you wrong or hurt your feelings.
Human beings hold that they can forgive but still hold against reconciling with their counterparts;
They also have a vise versa feeling that they can reconcile yes but not necessarily forgive the Person that did the bad. Sometimes they even feel that reconciliation is a stupid idea and step to make in life and might as well be dangerous, especially when the other Person is unchanging or unwilling to repent and change.
However, Biblical teachings provide an escape route to this significant obstacle to the Christian faith by guiding them to Forgive, forget and reconcile with the offenders unconditionally.
God in heaven also forgives them, reconciles with them, and even blesses them to the most significant points ever in the world.
Lastly, Societal Misconception holds that it is not easy to Forgive.
That forgiving is humanly impossible.
Humans have even developed a deeper understanding of their impossible forgiving art.
It is hard to forgive the first time when one is offended and impossible when the same Person again repeats the offense.
Sometimes, society gets too weird to suggest that they forgive each other while in heaven but not on this noble earth.
This Misconception is so challenging obstacle towards achieving the Forgiveness of humans.
However, on the other hand, Biblical teachings give an account of God’s wishes to human beings.
He wishes that they do some humanly impossible things on earth, and He will indeed bless them abundantly.
In Biblical teachings about the story of Jesus, Peter asked Jesus how often humans are supposed to forgive, and He answered him, ‘Seventy times seven times.’
Importance or Benefits of Forgiveness to Christian Faith
Forgiveness is an action that has great importance towards Christian faith and even the body and health impact towards a person.
It is advisable to uphold Forgiveness for spiritual and bodily effects towards a person.
Forgiveness helps strengthen the relationship between the human soul and God and helps grow Christian faith.
Forgiveness is also the foundation of freedom, personal relationships, Bettering Mental health, Growing healing process, and Anger management.
Growing Christian Faith
The act of forgiving and letting go of the hurt and experiences someone has been through is a measure of trusting in the divine teachings guide and God’s principles.
his measure is an act of faith and therefore grows the Christian faith since it draws a Christian closer to God and grows the Christian belief system.
Faith grows within a doctrine, and one way to grow the Christian faith is by growing within the doctrine of Forgiveness which confirms the growth of Christian faith.
Strengthening Relationship with God
It is always an ultimate win to strengthen the relationship between human beings and God.
The relationship between God grows through following His commands and doing as he does to the human race every day.
Christians notice that God, the foundation of Forgiveness and therefore forgiving others, follows in his divine footsteps.
The relationship between God and His people is always through faith, following His commands, and Forgiveness.
God himself promises to forgive those who have forgiven and also let His blessings pour down totems that have forgiven others.
Therefore Forgiveness strengthens the relationship between God and Christians.
Foundation of Freedom
Forgiveness has a significant impact on the inside of someone since they offload themselves the burdens they have carried in their heart for a very long time.
Most times, ills committed to a person stay within them and wear them down from time to time, especially when they hold unto these ills and keep thinking about them every moment; however, upon letting go of hose ills inside us, the heart feels relieved and offloaded a significant burden. (Horowski, pg, 12)
The most important thing is that the weight of these issues stop growing the moment someone lets them off His or their hearts.
They are no longer controlled by the demands of these ills that generate anger, and therefore, a person’s heart, body, soul, and mind are in a state of entire and forever freed from the above issues.
Development of a healthy Interpersonal Relationship
A study has shown that there is a lot more toxicity in the world we live in, primarily because of hurt that exists over, and no one is ready to give up the hurt they hold for each other.
In such a broken world lacking unity, Forgiveness is a skill that can help mend these relationships into healthy ones that will see the world become a better living place.
The more we forgive each other as Christians and God’s people, the more we build good relationships between ourselves and each other.
Forgiveness repairs the broken relationship, and in such a world, the relationships benefit more since they cannot let others suffer while watching (Horowski et, al pg, 10).
Grace and Forgiveness are, therefore, great ingredients to healthy relationships that thrive no matter the worldly happenings and activities (Horowski, et al, pg 22).
Forgiveness, therefore, helps develop interpersonal relationships to have a continuously growing society.
Forgiveness yields better mental health patterns.
Anger that arises from hurt after someone has been offended by the other results in anxiety and, to even greater heights t may result in depression.
The two are toxic mental states that may be chronic to the individual mental state.
Sometimes, avoiding forgiving results in the guilt for denying what was divinely ordained.
However, when one decides to forgive, they stand a great chance to reduce the anxiety problems developed on the mind and ensure that the Person’sPerson’s mental health is guaranteed.
Improved Psychological Wellbeing.
When our grievances are released from our minds, .our souls become harmonious on all levels.
Thoughts about the same grievances fade away and no longer press hard onto someone’s chest or mind, and therefore, a person stays and feels calm in their entire life.
Human beings later remain happier and lie a good life with quality relationships and having fun that they create inside them (Horowski, et, al pg.14).
The beautiful result is that it lowers stress, hostility and creates intrinsic fun and happiness, leading to a stable psychological state in life.
Biblical stories of Forgiveness
In their pursuit for Forgiveness, Christians focus on main stories that gave the patterns of Forgiveness in the Bible, both in the Old Testament and New Testament.
On most outstanding story is the story of Joseph.
Joseph’s story
Joseph was the son of Jacob and had many other brothers who had eleven other brothers.
These are the notable descendants of Israel. Among His brothers, Joseph had God’s favor such that at one moment, His brothers were jealous of him and successfully plotted to sell him in slavery in Egypt In slavery.
Joseph was thrown in a pit by His brothers and sold to the Egyptian traders, and later, His brothers carried a blood-smeared cloth back to Jacob, deceiving that Animals had killed him in the desert.
Joseph was accused of attempted rape; he was put in prison and forgotten in that same prison by those who had earlier promised to help him.
Despite all this, Joseph was a leader in every land He was.
Therefore He even interpreted the Pharaoh’s dreams which ensured that He left the prison and went to ta in the palace with Pharaoh and even became a ruler in Egypt, a position He used to save many from famine.
Later, Joseph’s brothers traveled to Egypt following the massive famine pandemic in Israel and, therefore, bought grain in Egypt.
Joseph did not bother about what had happened earlier between Him and His brothers and freely reunited with His family and even assisted them with tenfold of grain to assist them as well during the famine that had hit Israel.
The story has excellent teaching to the Christians in their pursuit for Forgiveness and that if they pursue this doctrine, God will take them through.
Parable of the Prodigal son
Jesus taught about Forgiveness in his ministry and teachings.
One of e most outstanding ones is the story of the prodigal son whereby, whereby a father had two and the youngest begged that he give him his inheritance early and as asked therefore He was given.
Later left with everything to a far country and spent all the money foolishly with sinful living, and later, hunger struck him that even resorted to working in the field and fed with the pigs.
When he came to his senses, he decided to go home in humility and asked for Forgiveness from His father, seeking to consider him as one of His servants.
The father, however, did not point fingers or look at what he had earlier done.
He ran, fell on his neck, kissed him, and forgave him, which was a beautiful act of love.
The story was equated to God’s love and divine Forgiveness to the human race and his wishes about us in our lives to live an entirely forgiving life eternal.
Conclusion The Power of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is divine and is the greatest wish that God has on Christians to live a forgiving life among each other, for He is also a Forgiving God.
In the Beatitudes, God even places a divine promise towards those who uphold this doctrine because it is on that he desires that everyone lives by that forever in their lives for them to maintain a God race.
“Happy are the Merciful for they will receive Mercy. “
This was among Jesus’s teachings that assured God’s Mercy to Christians who sowed Mercy upon others and lived a life of Forgiveness.
Our paper has stipulated great benefits of Forgiveness among humans and Christian living and the Christian approach towards forgiving others which is easy and outstanding forever.
Therefore, Christians should uphold Merciful life to others, and God will reward them with divine Mercy.
Work Cited The Power of Forgiveness
Meyer. 4 Steps To Forgiveness, 2018, Accessed 6 Jan 2022.
Kim, Jichan J., and Robert D. Enright. “Differing Views On Forgiveness Within Christianity: Do Graduate-Level Theology Students Perceive Divine And Human Forgiveness Differently?”. Spirituality In Clinical Practice, vol 1, no. 3, 2019, pp. 191-202. American Psychological Association (APA),
Horowski, Jarosław, and Mirosław Kowalski. “Human Health And Christianity In The Context Of The Dilemma Of Forgiveness”. Journal Of Religion And Health, 2021. Springer Science And Business Media LLC,
Arterburn. Forgiveness: The Very Essence Of Our Faith, 2019, Accessed 6 Jan 2022.